Do not be Cheated by your Strength

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There was a big young man with a well-built body and big arms and huge in stature. He had a thick voice which shook whenever he spoke.

But he was a coward, and feared the barking of dogs; he would run to his house whenever he heard the bark of a dog.

This Thon Agok will not become brave unless we take him to the kujur

His family held many meetings because of this; because people were making fun of him, as an example of fright and cowardice. In these meetings, a lot of advisers talked and gave advice, but without any improvement. He remained a coward and continued to be frightened. He never learned how to wrestle or fight when his fellow mates learned. He also grew up without once going for hunting when all his age mates learned how to hunt. He never participated with the youth and men of the village in group work.

In one of these family meetings, one of the family’s elders said, “This Thon Agok will not become brave unless we take him to the kujur (witch doctor). Maybe he can find a solution to his cowardice.” The family agreed. Thon Agok was hesitant to go, but all the family pushed him until he reached the kujur. The kujur looked at Thon Agok then told his family to leave him.

You are the strongest man; from today fear will not find a way to your heart. Go, and don’t be afraid.

He spoke to Thon saying, “Hey Thon, come close, you are not a coward, but there are some small things which I am going to do to help you.” Thon became confident and the kujur started to do some rituals and murmuring and circled around Thon; he would return to his place and go again, many times.

In the end he sat and looked at Thon and smiled saying to him, “You are the strongest man; from today fear will not find a way to your heart. Go, and don’t be afraid.”

Thon came out hitting his chest saying, “I am the strongest man in this town, and whoever thinks otherwise, let him come in front of me. I challenge anyone in this town.” Thon kept saying this until everyone big or small gathered around him and started to chant his name.

Never let your strength cheat you, there is always someone stronger than you.

Thon and his crown didn’t last long. A very huge guy came from one of the narrow roads and stood in front of Thon. He grabbed Thon and lifted him off the ground. Thon tried to free himself but he couldn’t. Then very quickly, he thought of something and started to say, “Hey! When I was alone you were not able to stand in front of me; now that my friend is just coming round the corner and we are two, how can you face us?”

The big man laughed, put Thon down on the ground and said, “Never let your strength cheat you, there is always someone stronger than you.”


1.) What is the relationship between masculinity and strength in your community? Is it acceptable to for men to show fear?
2.) Are there times you have not conformed to community norms? How did you feel?



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